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Eligibility for LYRIQ requires more than a passion for writing lyrics. Its members must also submit qualifying evidence of an Intelligence Quotient at or above the 95th percentile (IQ 125) compared to the general population on an approved intelligence test.


Members gain access to many unique and valuable opportunities to learn and contribute.


We strive to bring the works of our members to the world and those interested.

By joining or supporting LYRIQ, you are supporting an unprecedented literary initiative. 



LYRIQ channels the pattern-recognition abilities of its members towards lyrical mastery.


Qualifying for admission is the first step towards membership. Until April 1st, 2018, all new members access their first 12 months of membership for a very affordable $10 USD. After pursuing membership, email the official score report clearly detailing intellectual performance above the 95th percentile to

Lyricists below the age of 18 who score at or above the 98th percentile on an accepted intelligence test but are unable to afford the membership fee will be admitted on LYRIQ Scholarship. Others that may be eligible for accommodation may submit a request via 'Contact'.

The following page will also contain an option for donations. Please continue showing your support for LYRIQ's unique initiative so that we can continue bringing the world the writings of the gifted.



In order to ensure the highest quality of membership, LYRIQ currently only accepts the following IQ tests as acceptable evidence of an Intelligence Quotient at or above the 95th percentile...

Accepted Tests


  • ​​Personalized member accounts

  • Access to our private forums, groups, discussions, and events

  • Copyrights for original works and intellectual property

  • Access to our networking portfolios that connect highly intelligent lyricists to publishers, musicians, audio engineers, and audiences

  • Access to our monthly document containing organization news and published member works

  • Opportunities to improve and learn

  • Inclusion in a community of talented and creative minds

  • And much more

© 2018 - All rights reserved.

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